Do you know… …Jeanne Smith?

Jeanne Smith states, “I guess you could say that my love of the outdoors, nature and all the beauty around us is why I love photography the way I do! My camera is with me everywhere I go, ready to capture a great photo, that ONE SHOT!”

“ONE SHOT” is the name that Jeanne Smith uses for her professional photography. When you have Jeanne’s incredible ability to take amazing photos of the world around us, that’s all she needs… that “ONE SHOT”!

Jeanne’s photos reflect the places she’s been and the view she sees. She has traveled the country; crisscrossing from Main to Florida and then New York to Alaska! Her husband states that until they have visited all of the USA, they are not going abroad! While they have seen a lot, they have many places still on their bucket list – and that is lucky for us!

Jeanne is a retired correction officer who truly does see the surrounding beauty. She is an accomplished photographer and an award winning one as well! Jeanne presently resides in Swan Lake, NY with her husband.

Framed photographs – mounted on; canvas, aluminum, paper, etc are available beginning at $10.00 and up. To see many of Jeanne’s pieces, visit The Art Factory of White Mills.