“Acrylic Painting Class with Rosellyn Grohol, Sunday – 01/07 from 10:30-12:00”


Share the journey of creating a beautiful acrylic painting with artist, Rosellyn Grohol.  You will learn how to paint your own “snow-covered winter,” ready to hang! Learn how to mix colors, paint backgrounds and foregrounds, blend and detail… Perfect for you or to be given as a gift! 

For an extra good time, bring a friend or two to share the experience with! From beginners to pros, all skill levels are always welcome!


Share the journey of creating a beautiful acrylic painting with artist, Rosellyn Grohol.  You will learn how to paint your own “snow-covered winter,” ready to hang! Learn how to mix colors, paint backgrounds and foregrounds, blend and detail… Perfect for you or to be given as a gift! 

For an extra good time, bring a friend or two to share the experience with! From beginners to pros, all skill levels are always welcome!

Please note:  you must be 16 years of age or older to take any of our classes unless a parent also registers.

The fee is $50.00 (all materials included).  Preregistration is required @TheArtFactoryofWhiteMills.com.  There are no cancellations or refunds unless we need to cancel the class.

This class will also be offered on: Sundays –   02/04 “a view from the top” and 03/03 “a walk along the path.”  All dates are from 10:30-12:00.  

Please arrive on time for this session. 

If you have any questions, please call Cindy at 570 251-1181.

Thank you!